Based on the high Poverty rate in Africa and the need to help the motherless babie, Care For Africa In Need Incorporated, a non profit tax exempted charity organization was incorporated in Atlanta GA. Care For Africa Incorporated derives its income from:

- government
- individuals
- businesses

to help the need and poor in Africa

Mission & Goals

We are a nonprofit public charity organization helping to relief those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage in Africa.

Our Mission statement is "Reaching Out to the Needy"

Our Purpose and Goals
• Solicit for funds, educational materials, donations, Stock, Clothes, Shoes e.t.c
• Assist the Orphans, in the African motherless homes
• Assist the poor with Educational Support, Emergency Food and Clothes, Shoes and More
• Assist the local communities with educational materials

What We Do

Care for Africa In Need Incorporation is established primarily to help in:

- The prevention or relief of poverty in Africa

- The advancement of education in Africa

- The advancement of health or the saving of lives in Africa

- The advancement of citizenship or community development in Africa

- The relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage in Africa
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Why We Need You

Unfortunately, millions of Africans overwhelmingly children, now face chronic disease, unable to attend schools, are in on the streets begging for food and shelter, in motherless homes.

There are so many people in Africa that are in abject poverty, so many ill-health and disability that are dying but can't be admitted in hospitals for lack of finance.



There are so many schools in Africa that do not have the basic infrastructure to teach students
The good news is that with whatever you can donate no matter how small it is will go a long was to help this Africans in need and that is why we need you.